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Financial disclosure

Marc J. Coderre – Orleans family/divorce lawyer

When there is a dissolution of a relationship or a marriage there are usually financial issues that relate to support and property that need to be addressed and resolved.

There is no greater obligation on spousal to properly disclose their assets and income in such a case.

Many Orders for contempt against parties are as a result of a party’s failure to properly disclose his/her financial circumstances as mandated by Rule 13 of the Family Law Rules. That rule clarifies the obligation of parties to properly disclose their financial situation.

Many clients do not understand that the court, the lawyers and the parties are entitled to full disclosure regarding financial circumstances.

Furthermore, Rule 13.1 requires all parties to update their financial situation, basically, before every court hearing.

Repeated and frequent motions for disclosure are often necessary although should not be. The Courts no longer tolerate nondisclosure.

The Family Law Rules allow a Court to strike a non-cooperating party’s pleadings if he/she does not properly disclose.

Marc J Coderre (Orleans base family and divorce lawyer) has 29 years of experience in family law and court work. I totally understand the significant disclosure requirements imposed by the Family Law Rules.

A party will enhance his/her credibility by properly divulging all required information to ensure that a case is dealt with fairly and appropriately.

Marc J Coderre, family lawyer, has the experience to guide parties in difficult times. The focus is always the resolution of family issues.

Call Marc J Coderre, family lawyer, based in Orleans and Beacon Hill for advice and guidance (613-824-1542).

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